Barnes & Noble

Project Deliverable
E-Commerce Website
Additonal Credits
Aaron Cook
Shane Zimmerman
Zayne Parmiter
Mark Moledor

Inspiring book buyers to find their next great read.

Through the redesign of their e-commerce website Barnes & Noble aimed to break through the generic, algorithm-based recommendations common amongst online booksellers. With the introduction of expanded discovery tools, we helped users find stronger and more nuanced connections and book suggestions.

Unexpected Connections

Discover the Unexpected

With readers constantly on the hunt for their next literary favorite, Barnes & Noble looked to our team to develop an immersive experience to guide users to interesting new finds in their vast product catalog. 

Unexpected Connections

Immersive Book Browsing

Through our insight into book profiles and author details. We looked to build a matching interface to uncover connections between books that moved beyond traditional(and sometimes generic) algorithm-driven recommendations common on other bookselling websites. 

Unexpected Connections

Examining connectivity

Throughout the experience the user has access to further examine the connective factors linking each book. These include the typical groupings like genre, author, topic – but are enhanced through nuanced profiles built around emotion and mood.